Trade Name: CASPORIL™ 50 SP
Formulation: Cartap Hydrochloride 50% SP

It is a water-soluble powder insecticide that contains 50% Cartap hydrochloride active ingredient and balance adjuvants.
Chemical Composition
Cartap Hydrochloride Tech. (based on 98% w/w a.i.) | 51.2% w/w |
Surfactant (Alkyi phenolethylene oxide add net) | 0.7% w/w |
Stabilizer (Isopropyl acid phosphate) | 0.3% w/w |
Acid green dye | 0.05% w/w |
Diluent (4-0-3-D galactopyranosyl alpha-D glycopyranose) | 47.75% w/w |
Total | 100% w/w |
Crop | Common name of the Insect | Dosage per ha. |
Waiting period from last spray and harvest (days) |
A.I (gm) |
Formulation (kg) |
Dilution in water
(Ltrs.) |
Rice |
Stem borer Leaf folder |
500 500 |
1.0 1.0 |
500-1000 500-1000 |
– – |
Knapsack sprayer, foot sprayer, compression knapsack sprayer, compression knapsack battery sprayer, and ASPEEHTP power sprayer etc.
Store the material in its original pack in separate rooms or premises away from foodstuffs and other articles or in separate almirahs under lock and keep away from the reach of children, irresponsible persons, and livestock. The rooms meant for storing should be well-built, dry, cool, well-lit and ventilated and of sufficient dimensions to avoid contamination with vapour.
The packages should be stored/transported in such a manner that they do not come in contact with foodstuffs or animal feeds. Store away from sparks, fire, and open flame.
The empty containers should be broken and buried 1/2 meter deep in the soil away from habitation and not left in the open to prevent their reuse. Surplus material or washings from machines and containers should be disposed of in a safe manner so as to prevent environmental and water pollution.
- Read and follow all instructions on the label and leaflet very carefully and have a container with the label available to show to the physician in case of accidental poisoning.
- Avoid direct contact or inhalation of poison by wearing a gas mask, rubber gloves, goggles and protective clothinggumbootsboots etc.
- Do not eat, drink, or smoke while applying,
- Always apply in the direction of the wind to avoid remaining in the drift of poison.
- Always change clothing and take a bath as soon as the treatment is completed.
- Clean the application equipment thoroughly before and after use.
- Call a physician immediately if any symptoms of poisoning appear in a person who is using or has recently used the material.
Nausea, trembling of extremities and body, salivation, spasms, dyspnoea ,and mydriasis.
If swallowed. induce vomiting. Do not induce vomiting if the patient is unconscious. Call a physician.
If eyes are contaminated, flush with plenty of clean water. In case of spillage on the body, it should be washed with soap and water. If inhaled, carry the patient to fresh air.
An intravenous injection of 100-200 mg of L-cysteine or an intramuscular injection of 20-60 mg of BAL (dimercaprol or 2, 3-dimercapto propanol) are recommended.